
How To Boost Etsy Sales


Making sales on Etsy can be hard.

But when you look at your competitors, you may be wondering:

"How do they make so many more sales than me?"

As it turns out, there are some solid and proven ways that you can use to improve your sales and conversion rate on Etsy.

Here are 17 ways to boost your Etsy sales in 2021.

Etsy SEO

Etsy SEO is probably one of the most important things you can do to increase the visibility of your shop and products.

You probably already know some of the ranking factors of Etsy search engine: How well your title and tags match the shopper's search, how well the product sells, how well reviewed is your shop, etc.

You can check out the complete list and what they mean here.

One of the most important strategies I use about Etsy SEO is to do comprehensive keyword research. Keyword research is the process of finding out the search terms that your customers are using. And using the right keywords to make your product able to rank in Etsy search. A good way to find them is to use the autocomplete and the category functions within Etsy.

Using those keywords, you can now plug them in the title and tags of your product listing. Remember to

  • Match the exact keyword in title and tag
  • Use all 13 tags to maximize the chance of showing up in search
  • Aim for longer keywords as they have less competition and easier to rank

There are many more strategies to optimize your Etsy search. I've written a complete guide to Etsy SEO of how to maximize the chance to show up in search and in front of potential customers. They are all the techniques I used when building up my 6-figure Etsy shop.

Write High Converting Product Description

A good and compelling product description will greatly improve your conversion rate.

There are 3 main purposes of product description:

  1. Entice and capture shopper's attention
  2. Show how the product can improve shopper's life or solve their problem
  3. Remove barriers of purchase

Many Etsy sellers forget about these points and start writing the things they want to say, like the color, size, etc. They are good information, but you have to ask yourself, what's in it for your customer?

Let's look at this example from Dyson:

It perfectly blends the fan's features with benefits for the user. The customer knows how this fan can improve their home. There are a lot of other big brands that you can learn how to write compelling descriptions from. Lush, Dyson, Reebok, etc.

Take Eye-Catching Product Photos

You don't need an expensive DSLR to take photos that sell.

Natural lights are the easiest to handle. Try not to use direct harsh sunlight, but light that is reflected off other objects, light through a thin curtain, or lighting in early morning / late afternoon.

Learning photo editing tools are also essential. The photos coming out of your phone (or even your expensive camera) won't be perfect. Knowing how to edit the photos to be brighter, more contrast-y, or correcting the colors, would mean whether the shopper clicks your product or not.

Learn the 8 top tips for product photography on Etsy here.

Develop New Products That Reaches New Customers

Listing fresh new products can have some great benefits for your shop:

  • Freshness of the store (which can help Etsy SEO)
  • Customers have a reason to come back (which can increase sales and conversion rate)
  • Explore a new market niche (which can improve overall sales)

If you have fewer than 30-50 products, one of the best things you can do to improve your shop is to list more products.

You probably have some bestsellers in your shop that seem to be loved by many customers. Those products that constantly get sales, have good reviews and feedback, and create return customers.

Look at those products closely and see what makes them standout. Reading the positive reviews of those products may help. You can then create similar products or products with variation on color, materials and so on.

Another way to create new products is to check how you can fill the gap in your target market niche. Listen to your potential customers online. Find them from negative reviews from Etsy, Amazon, eBay, etc. or on forum. And see whether there is an opportunity that you can create a better product to fit their needs.

Finally, creating seasonal items is a good way to reach new customers. Make special versions of your popular items for Christmas, Halloween, Easter, and so on.

Focus On Products That Doesn't Convert Well

These products have already achieved one of the hardest parts: traffic. Now it's time to find out the reasons why they are not selling and improve on them.

Bad photos, boring product description, missing details, too expensive or cheap, etc.

For more details of how to improve your underperforming listings that have traffic, go back to the previous points of better photography and better product description as they are the basis of a high converting product.

Etsy Advertising

Yes, it costs money, but Etsy advertising is one of the most direct ways of putting your product in front of potential customers.

Some simple tactics when using Etsy promotion:

  • Advertise your bestsellers first as shoppers are more likely to click and buy them
  • Then promote your mid-range products (those get sales but not as much)
  • Check consistently especially in the beginning and turn off the promoted products that don't sell (especially high views and no sales)
  • Make sure the cost doesn't outweigh your profit
  • Good tool to use when you are running a sale as shoppers are more likely to convert

Product listings that are using Etsy ads in a search result page

Branding That Customers Love And Remember

When you think about coffee, Starbucks pops into your mind. Sport shoes? Nike and Adidas. You get the idea.

Branding and brand awareness are one of the most important factors of success for a business. And it's also one of the most difficult ones to improve because so much is involved in it.

Many people think branding is just the shop name, logo, or your business card designs, but it's much more than that. It involves all the "touchpoints" with your customers; Branding is felt by the customer whenever they interact with your shop.

From logo and banner, to customer service and your product packaging, you should think about how to impress your target customer.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most powerful ways to build a strong relationship with your customers. So they will return for future purchases. Your shop will be the first to pop into their minds when they need the thing you sell.

How do you get their email address? From your order.

But be careful!

It is against Etsy rules to just add your customers' emails to your mailing list. So don't do that!

Instead, you should ask them for a signup. Give them a signup link for your mailing list and entice them with benefits for signing up.

Be careful of NOT sending them a discount coupon code too soon. You don't want them to go "I just paid full price 30 minutes before, and now I have a 10% off coupon that I could've used?" Not a good feeling.

Build up a good relationship with these emails:

  • Welcome email
  • Something extra for your purchase (e.g. care guide)
  • Check whether they like their purchase. Ask them for a review, and not hesitate to find you if there's any problem
  • Coupon code for next purchase to make them feel special and encourage repeat purchases
  • Keep them up to date with new products and sales

Learn more about how to use email marketing for your Etsy shop here.

Run A Sale The Right Way

Running a sale is a quick way to get some extra sales. But there are a few things to keep in mind if you don't want to run into traps.

One of the biggest mistakes sellers can make is to run sales and give discounts so often that customers expect it. Customers are smart. They can sense the prices and the pattern, whether subconsciously or not.

You essentially make the discounted price your new 'regular' price, cutting your profit margin by a chunk.

So, knowing when to give discounts and when not to is crucial.

Another point is that many customers are sick of the overly sale-sy phrases. "Mega sale!", "only today!", "limited offer!". Over-using them or using them when you don't mean it will jeopardize the trust from your customers.

These are the frequent 'on sale' newsletter by just one online retailer. Will you even pay regular price for their products?

Product Bundle

Bundling your bestsellers with some other products can work as a way to increase order size. Make sure the bundle makes sense. The product can be of similar style, often used together (like shaver with shaving cream), etc.

You should be able to give them a discount for the increased order size.

Include Small Gift With Orders

Reciprocity increases sales and loyal customers.

Study shows that customers are more likely to come back and make a purchase if they receive a small gift or a nice surprise.

So surprise them with a small gift!

Even better if it's a sample of another popular product in your shop. It gives a good reason for your customer to come back and buy that product.

However, this is not a time that more is better. Sometimes you don't want to "devalue" what you sell. If you give another full product that sells for the same price to your customer for free. They will question whether the thing they purchase is worth that much in the beginning.

Encouraging Repeat Customers With Coupons

As mentioned in the previous email section, coupons are a powerful way to entice your customers to return to your shop.

Other than sending them emails, another easier way to send them a coupon is using Etsy's own system of a "thank you" coupon. Usually a 10-15% coupon can do the trick. After all, you want to reserve higher discounts (20-30% off) for big sales in the future.

Adding Scarcity To Your Product (Only 3 Items Left)

One of the strategies I use for my Etsy shop is to create scarcity. Etsy puts "only 3 available and it's in 8 people's cart" to create scarcity and urgency for shoppers. It makes them feel if they don't act soon, they may lose the chance of buying that popular product.

And you can use that to your advantage.

Put the quantity of your bestsellers to 3 or lower. It creates a powerful sense of urgency for your potential shopper at 0 cost to you. It will look like this example of a jewelry search result page:

Offer Free Shipping

As of July 30th, 2019, Etsy changes the Etsy algorithm to give priority to product listings that offer free shipping over $35 or more.

Offering free shipping will improve your search ranking and potentially increase the views and sales of your Etsy listings.

Use Social Media Properly

Who isn't on Facebook or Instagram these days?

They can skyrocket your Etsy sale if done properly. However, many sellers have the mistake of seeing them as sales tools, and only posting product photos and expecting sales to come in.

Keep in mind that no one really needs to see you posting your own products every day. In most social media platforms, people are not looking to shop.

Instead, you should post content that benefits people (and still keep it related to your shop). If you sell home decor, you can post content about how to style the product in your house. If you sell clothing, styling tips can be a good way to go.

The aim of social media is to display a good brand image and build relationships with your potential customers. Those relationships would be essential when they are ready to purchase as your brand may be the first to pop into their mind.

Write A Blog To Generate External Traffic

Writing a blog is a long-term strategy to generate relevant traffic that can turn into valuable customers. Be prepared to spend quite a lot of time, and results may not appear until months or even years later.

The goal is to have your website show up in search engines like Google, Yahoo, or even social media like Pinterest. And then bring those visitors to your Etsy shop.

Write articles to help your target customers. So when they search for information, you can present yourself as an expert and provide them with the information they are looking for. If done right, you can even capture their email address and send them to your Etsy shop.

Have A Presence On Forums

This is another way to be helpful to your potential customers. No one wants to see you just promoting your products on every forum post. Instead, use your expertise and skills to answer your potential customers' questions. Show them that you are a trustworthy advisor. Show them you are an expert.

If done right, the people reading that would be interested in knowing who you are. Have the information about your shop ready in your profile so visitors can visit your shop.

User Generated Content (Review Photos, Influencers, etc)

UGC means user generated content. They can be the photos that your customers post in the review, short videos that they post on Instagram, or even the product review of influencers.

They are effective and believable because it represents the word-of-mouth referral that customers trust.

But how do you get them?

One of the best ways is by asking your customers. Have a card encouraging them to upload a photo when reviewing the product. Or send them an email reminding them if you have them in your mailing list.

How To Boost Etsy Sales


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