
John Carlton's Simple Writing System

Welcome to Simple Writing System 2

Never Again Struggle to Write an Ad… a Sales Video Script… or an Email to Your List …

Here's what's up:

A few months ago my team and I reviewed every aspect of my long-running (and still extremely successful) Simple Writing System.

We dissected every minute of every lesson…

Every tip and every exercise…

Plus examined the comments and feedback supplied by thousands of SWS customers and students over the past eight years…

Looking for ways to improve, update and streamline everything.

Our goal was to make this already-successful program even better.

And, after months of review, research and debate…

We headed off to an Arizona recording studio for a few grueling days of filming and production.

The result is stunning. And I'm now announcing the release of…

The Simple Writing System 2.0 Home Study Course

Some of it is brand-spanking new. And some of the wonderful original stuff we simply couldn't improve on remains.

For example, we kept every lesson, strategy, tactic and piece of advice that customers consistently tell us increases sales and conversions.

The SWS has been successfully applied to countless markets and every platform being used online and offline today (sales pages, VSLs, Facebook, webinars, email, squeeze pages, direct mail, print ads, PPC/AdWords,… just about everything used in modern marketing.)

Once you understand the fundamentals and advanced salesmanship techniques I teach, you will never be frustrated or intimidated by any new marketing channel or technology.

You will know exactly how to write what needs to be written to make the sale.

However, in critical areas, we improved and streamlined several key lessons.

We did this by paying careful attention to what our students and teachers have told us about the SWS… and especially how it's impacted their lives and their businesses.

We were damn good at teaching people how to write killer copy 8 years ago… and we're much better at it now. (Yes, the process has even helped me – and multiple other top writers – dial up our skills dramatically.)

So we reviewed every lesson, every topic, and every exercise.

Where something could be improved or streamlined, we did that.

And we added some new lessons and topics to fill in the occasional holes in the original SWS. (The world has changed a bit in eight years… and we've been on top of every shift in how today's marketing works.)

We call this version of the SWS the "Home Study Course" because it's designed for you to go through on your own, at your own pace.

You do not have to be anywhere at a specific time and there are no deadlines.

Over the years, we've seen every possible approach – some folks go slow, some go fast, some cram it in over a few weekends, some commit an hour or two each week…
… and it all works.

Here's What You Get Inside Simple Writing System 2

John Carlton - Simple Writing System 2.0

18 Video Lessons

Each one designed to move you quickly toward a total understanding and mastery of the sales-message-writing process.

I'll break down the exact process I use to craft winning sales messages.

I'll explain how and why you'll use each of my steps in your sales letters, videos, and ads.

I'll show you examples of winning ads, many of which ran successfully for years. (You'll be getting the full version of all of these ads. More on that below…)

Each video is HD quality. And, best of all, you'll be able to watch these videos any time you want… on any device you want… at your own pace… as many times as you want… from anywhere in the world. (More on this below, too.)

You'll learn to write sales copy by writing sales copy.

Each lesson gives you a chance to put your new skills to work by providing a short, fun, laser-focused exercise. These exercises show you exactly how to bring what you learned in the video to life.

Do these exercises (which I strongly recommend, but of course that's up to you)…

And then include your new killer copy in your current website, emails, Facebook ads, etc and you can start closing more sales almost immediately.

Your notes are already done for you.

Included in your home study package is a comprehensive workbook that contains all the notes you'd ever want to take from my slides in the workshop.


And this is a big plus, the workbook is also loaded with full examples of proven ads… so you can see exactly how each step fits into real-world marketing.

There's no theory here. It's all hard-core reality-based info. (Most of these ads are mine, including my most sought-after stuff.)

That means this workbook (over 300 pages deep) is a fire-breathing SWIPE FILE of the best ads you'll ever lay your hands on… to copy, to use for inspiration, to rip from and use as blueprints.

In short this system is a concise, packed-solid "one stop resource" for helping you write everything you'll ever need to write to make your business rock the bottom line.

But wait there's more.

Brand new in SWS 2.0

We've added this huge bonus

We're including the very best of Simple Writing System exercises and student/teacher Q&A from previous SWS Coaching Programs.

This means you'll also through this deep resource of seeing how others handled the SWS – gain insights and advice from SWS Coaches like me, David Garfinkel, David Deutsch, Kevin Rogers, Harlan Kilstein, Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, "Million Dollar" Mike Morgan, Chris Haddad and other "A List" copywriters and marketers who have taught SWS classes over the years.

It's like having access to the wisdom and applied strategies of the best in the game all laid out for you to use, learn from, and profit with.

When you complete the course, you're armed with the skills, insight, tactics and strategies of the best copywriters in the world. And you can now plow headfirst into your marketing, knowing you can write everything you need, whenever you need it.

And even if you hire a freelancer to write something for you, you'll know what the copy should look like. You'll be that freelancer's worst nightmare, because he'll be forced to give you his best stuff.

Ads, videos, websites, emails, speeches and sales pitches… every single thing you will ever need to make your bottom line hum, you will finally know how to create quickly, effectively, and with the mastery of a top writer.

John Carlton

John Carlton's Simple Writing System


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